
More events for the BIGNIK valais pur project are planned for the near future:

  • Sewing orchestra in the Stockalper Castle Brig | September 28, 2024

  • Large cloth display Large cloth display in Brig | September 29, 2024

Sewing orchestra

Brig – September 28, 2024

The sewing orchestra is a unique and creative part of the BIGNIK project, which takes place in the historic Stockalperhof. At this special event, the public is invited to become part of an unusual concert - an orchestra made of sewing machines.

Participants, regardless of previous musical knowledge, operate sewing machines that rattle to the rhythm on command, creating a very special soundscape together. The sewing orchestra is accompanied by professional musicians and electronic sewing machine noises, which round off the experience and create a unique connection between craftsmanship and music.


September 28, 2024, 7pm to 9pm, Stockalperhof Brig.

This event offers an extraordinary opportunity to be creative together and experience a new perspective on music and community. The historic setting of the Stockalperhof gives the sewing orchestra a special atmosphere that combines tradition and innovation in an exciting way.

The event is looking for participants who would like to join the orchestra as seamstresses. Interested in being part of it?

Register now.

Large cloth display

Brig – September 29, 2024

BIGNIK promotes encounters and new perspectives on social interactions, enriched with regional characteristics of Valais. Brig has been chosen as the central location for this year’s display of the cloths collected and sewn as part of the project. On September 29 – weather permitting – a giant picnic cloth will be created. Join in too! All are welcome.

09.00: Layin out the cloths along with the public
16.00: Collecting and folding the cloths with the public
18.00: Helpers’ meal on Sebastiansplatz (free of charge)

Cloth layers still needed
The success of the laying out depends heavily on the weather and the participation of many volunteers. Around 2000 cloth modules are to be laid out, whereby the participation of many hands makes the end result more impressive. BIGNIK is a community project and thrives on participation. Spontaneous helpers are welcome at Sebastiansplatz from 9am.

Register as a helper here! 

Thank you very much!