Welcome to Valais pur! We are an association of cultural and artistic professionals from the canton of Valais who realize projects in our region and beyond. Our current project is ...

BIGNIK valais pur

The BIGNIK project was launched in spring 2024. Following the principle of “hunting, sewing and laying out,” cloths are first collected, then sewn together and finally laid out. Step by step, BIGNIK is pursuing the vision of “Valais on a Cloth” and aims to strengthen coexistence and the integration of newcomers in the region. Find out more about BIGNIK.

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What's going on at BIGNIK? Our event overview shows the upcoming events that are already scheduled. Don't miss out! Information on upcoming events under Events.

Our gallery on Google Photos is here

Activity: Give a scarf your name! If you are interested, scarves can also be personalized. You can find out more about this campaign here.